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How To Make Moving House Less Expensive

Cardboard Boxes With Belongings In New Flat On Moving Day

Moving house can come with some significant costs. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t steps you can take to make things cheaper.

The average cost of relocation is just over a gobsmacking £14,000 in the UK. This will vary depending on where you live and the exact circumstances of your move. However, the cost of moving is something that many movers fear. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you save some cash and make your move extra smooth.

Sell Your Unwanted Belongings Before Moving House

Many people who are moving house will be taking items with them that they no longer need. It will pay off to go through your belongings and decide what you want to keep, what you might sell and what can be disposed of. If the items you want to get rid of are valuable, you could walk away with a bit of extra cash by selling them before the move.

Boxes Of Things For A Garage Sale. Decluttering, Cleaning And Moderate Consumption For A Sustainable Life

Less things to move means lower removals costs and less time to get your possessions from A to B.

Collect Boxes In Advance

If you want to save a bit of money on packing equipment when moving house, you could ask friends and colleagues to reserve any sturdy cardboard boxes for you. If you do this over the course of a few weeks, you could find that your moving costs are significantly reduced.


However, take caution with the quality of boxes you accept. If you package your items in a box that breaks, this could result in damage. Repairing or replacing damaged belongings could work out as being much more expensive in the long run, so proceed with caution.

Package Your Items Securely

When packing your things, make sure that you’re doing so with care. Delicate items will need to be wrapped in bubble wrap or tissue paper, else they could break during transit. Make sure to stack your things mindfully, and ensure that no box is too heavy. Moving boxes that are overflowing and overweight could result in damage – not to mention the safety risk that heavy boxes pose to those who are lifting them.

Plan Ahead

Moving house is rarely a last-minute affair, so make the most of the time that you have to plan. Start packing items that you won’t need to use as soon as you reasonably can. This saves time and any extra costs that might be incurred if you need to employ last-minute help.


If you have a friend or family member with enough spare space to store some of your items during your move, you could shift some things that you don’t need early. This means that your moving day is dedicated to the most important items, meaning that the process should be quicker and potentially a little cheaper.

Hire A Professional House Mover

A white sign written van

Moving house is a huge undertaking. If you’re not confident that you can move items without help, or don’t have a vehicle to safely transport your items, hire a professional house mover. Professional removal companies are well-versed in getting your possessions into your new home safely.

If you’ve managed to use some of our other cost-saving tips, hiring a professional mover will ensure that your moving day goes smoothly. The extra cost of using an expert will pay off in efficiency, safety and your peace of mind!

Are You Moving House? Choose Maskell Removals!

If you’re about to move into a new property, there’s no better removals company than Maskell Removals & Storage. We can move you or your business to a new location without a fuss.

Furthermore, if you’re looking for a Welsh speaking removals company, we’re the experts for you! If you’d like to discuss your requirements with a Welsh or English speaking member of our team, just get in touch today.


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