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5 Unexpected Places You Should Declutter Before Moving

Donate, Discard Or Keep. Decluttering Your Home

If you’re moving house, you might be feeling apprehensive about the amount of stuff you have to move. For those who have a lot of belongings, there’s sure to be a few items that could be sold, donated or sent to the rubbish tip.

Sometimes these unwanted items aren’t discovered until it’s too late. Therefore, we’ve put together a guide to the places that you should be decluttering before the big day.

The Kitchen

We reckon that every home has a few unwanted items in the kitchen. Whether it’s a bottle opener that’s a faff to use or an odd-shaped fork that nobody in the house likes, there’s sure to be something.

Many kitchen items are subject to wear and tear over the years. If your cheese grater has seen better days or your pizza cutter would struggle to slice through butter, throw it out and get a new one!

Kitchen Drawer Clutter

While you’re in the kitchen, you should go through the cupboards, fridge and freezer and dispose of any expired or unwanted food. If you have a lot of non-perishables that you want to get rid of, why not donate them to a food bank?

The Bathroom

Many bathrooms are cluttered full of cleaning products, soaps and other cosmetics. Did you know that all of these things expire after a while? If you’re unsure how long a bathroom product has been opened for, it’s best to bin it and start fresh.

Bathroom Cleaning Products

As well as that, cleaning products can add a lot of extra bulk to your packing boxes. Most basic supplies are cheap and easy to access, so it makes sense to discard old products and buy new ones for your new home after moving.

The Garage

Much like home offices, not everyone has a garage. However, many people will have an area in the home where they store large items like bikes, treadmills and other large pieces of equipment. This is a space where you might find something that you could sell. If you haven’t been surfing in years but have a nice board stored away in the garage, why not get some cash for it?

For larger items like exercise equipment, you should seriously consider how they will fit into your new home. If you’re going to be moving to somewhere with more space, things are a little easier. However, if you’re downsizing then you should put serious thought into whether your belongings will fit in your new, smaller space.

Cluttered Garage Preparing For Garage Sale

The Bedroom

Organizing Wardrobe Clutter For Moving House

Organising your wardrobe is a mammoth task, but if you have too many clothes and shoes it’ll be very rewarding. Be honest with yourself when choosing what to get rid of. If an item is too big or small for you, or never gets worn, throw it away! You’ll be grateful when there’s a lot less to pack on moving day.

You can also take this opportunity to dispose of any old towels and bedding. If your mattress is particularly old or worn, now would be a great time to upgrade. The same goes for your pillows.

The Office

Not everyone has the luxury of having a dedicated room as a home office, but many will have some sort of office space in their home. No matter whether your desk is set up in the living room, bedroom or even the kitchen, you should be giving it a good decluttering.

Desks tend to pile up with paper and stationary items that are no longer needed. Dispose of these – but make sure to scan any pieces of paper first, just in case you need them.

Office Clutter

If there’s any electronics that are broken or no longer required, make sure they’re disposed of appropriately before the move.

If You’re Moving, Choose Maskell Removals

The team at Maskell Removals would be happy to help you move to your new home, no matter how much clutter you have. To get a free quote, simply pick up the phone and give us a call today.


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